Wednesday, July 28, 2010

collaborating on moon meditation - Michelle Mueller

I am at a 3-day workshop for religious educators in Unitarian Universalist congregations. We are meeting at a Jewish retreat center in Maryland, Pearlstone Retreat Center, which is awesome! There is very pastoral land here, and all the food is kosher. Vegetarianism is very easy in kosher kitchens.

I led brief worship tonight on the phases of the moon with lifelong UU and Director of Religious Education, Merrin Clough of Central Unitarian Church of Bergen County, NJ. This is terriffic collaboration! I had the idea of the moon phases. Merrin is responsible for a lot of the poetry. The group was very receptive, and the workshop leaders asked for a copy. This is what we wrote together:

Opening (Merrin) :

The moon
each night is there above us.
A guide
always present, silent, and true.
Tonight bring your eyes
and heart to the moonlight.
Linger, listen
for deep wisdom.
The moon gives no light of its own.
It is a great body that reflects
the burning source of the sun.
Tonight the unseen sun is your congregation
and you are the moon.

Phases of the Moon Meditation

At some time in our lives we have all found ourselves under a waxing moon.
Looking up as that light body in the dark sky becomes fuller and brighter.
Our hearts watch with awe as the night becomes more luminous.

Here we are tonight, together, growing
and becoming full of what we are to become.
Developing our skills as religious educators,
as stewards of these transitions.

Soon we will stand in the soft light of a full moon.
Looking up we will remember that the bright body in the night
creates no light of its own.  All that we see is reflected from what we do not see.

As we illuminate the picture of the congregation before us,
reflecting the truth, wisdom and strength of the community,
may we also hold these religious education programs steady and full.

After experiencing the fullness of the moon,
It is time to retreat,
To step back and allow leadership to step forth.
What is the power of the waning moon?

As new leadership approaches,
we prepare to leave tomorrows work in the hands of the congregation. 
They now know the journey they have traveled together
and their eyes fall on the path before them.
The religious education program is ready to grow to a new fullness
as the waxing moon rises above.

Bright Moon, we hear you calling.
Dark Moon, we call your name.
Crescent Moon, we sing with you. 
Crescent Moon, we sing with you.

(I got the song or some version of it from the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel.)

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